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by the People in it
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Better Hiring StaffedUp - Hire Better Teams in Less Time
- Automated Hiring Marketing 24/7/365
- Fully Customized Automated Pre-Qualification
- Automated Messaging & Engagement
- Integrated Digital New Hire Onboarding
- Automated Pre-Hire WOTC Screening
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- Have Questions? Book a 10 minute demo so we can make sure we're the best fit for your needs, or drop us a line at info@staffedup.com.
Customer Voices:
Why They Love Us
"StaffedUp has been a great source for applicants for all of our locations, from hourly team members to our leadership team. I personally appreciate the ease and convenience of the site, which allows for quick communication in a social format and really expedites our new hire onboarding. The Staffedup team is great to work with and actually listens to the updates we need and suggest."D Sugarfire SmokehouseDoug Lang – Owner
"StaffedUp has saved us so many times. The system keeps applications coming in consistently so we always have a great selection quality candidates at all times. The backend is very easy to use and helps us qualify and hire applicants faster than we thought possible! With our high volume establishment we need to hire at a moment's notice, and the overwhelming majority of our hires come directly from StaffedUp."J LHM Hospitality GroupJess Hudson – AGM
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Frequently Asked Questions
How does StaffedUp find applicants for me?
StaffedUp leverages our extensive talent networks, optimized SEO, external automated job board posting such as Indeed and Google Jobs, social media integrations, QR code scan to apply marketing, and by leveraging your website and brand to drive genuinely motivated applicants for hire.
Can I customize StaffedUp to hire the way I need to?
100% your can. We offer complete customization to fit your exact needs. Create custom company recruitment pages, company culture, jobs, application questions, and customized automated or one click messaging to expedite engagement.
How long does it take to get set up?
How's a few minutes sound? Our quick startup tools are the easiest thing you'll use all year! We provide pre-drafted job descriptions & application questions, & even wrote your application responses for you! Need a hand? We'll teach you everything you need to know in 10 minutes. Did we mention it's easy?
Can I cancel anytime?
Yep! For paid accounts we simply ask for 15 day notice before you next bill. Need to chat with us? Use the help desk in your account or email us at support@staffedup.com.
What is the WOTC (Work Opportunity Tax Credit)?
WOTC (Work Opportunity Tax Credit) is a federal tax credit available to business employers, both large and small. The credits are designed to offset Federal income tax liabilities. When the WOTC program is executed the right way, employers can capture enough tax credits to significantly reduce, or even eliminate, their Federal income tax liabilities. (And if your business was formed using a flow-through-entity, like a S-corp or LLC, then the credits could flow-through to the owner’s K-1).
How can WOTC impact my business?
Executing the WOTC program is simple and easy with the right provider. We’ll screen your applicants to determine if they satisfy one of nine qualifying criteria. If so, our team of tax credit experts work with specific government agencies, behind the scenes, to capture the tax credits for you. Once captured, tax credits can be used to eliminate Federal income tax liabilities and thus improve cash flow for stakeholders and the business.
Duh! We built this for you, because we are you! Your success in hiring is the only thing we care about. Anything you need, any time, we're always here, we'll always listen!
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